Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 1, 2018

Các nguồn thông tin trực tuyến ở Đông Nam Á

Title: Các nguồn thông tin trực tuyến ở Đông Nam Á
Authors: Totanes, Vernon R.
Keywords: Nguồn tin trực tuyến;Thông tin thư viện;Đông Nam Á
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội

Giáo dục khoa học thông tin thư viện cho vai trò đa cực: Phương pháp sư phạm mới nhằm mục đích chuyên môn hóa

Title: Giáo dục khoa học thông tin thư viện cho vai trò đa cực: Phương pháp sư phạm mới nhằm mục đích chuyên môn hóa
Authors: Budisuwan, Sujin
Keywords: Thông tin học;Thư viện học;Giáo dục;Phương pháp giáo dục
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội

Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 1, 2018

Antecedents and outcomes of personal mastery: cross-country evidence in Higher Education

Title: Antecedents and outcomes of personal mastery: cross-country evidence in Higher Education
Authors: Bui, Hong T. M.
Ituma, Afam
Antonacopoulou, Elena
Keywords: Higher Education;Organizational learning;Personal mastery
Issue Date: 2013

Argumentation-based schema matching for multiple digital libraries
Title: Argumentation-based schema matching for multiple digital libraries
Authors: Tho, Thanh Quan
Luong, Xuan H.
Nguyen, Thanh C.
Keywords: Digital library;Information retrieval;Argumentation;Schema matching
Issue Date: 2015

Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 1, 2018

Báo cáo tóm tắt Dự án: Nghiên cứu dự báo, phòng chống sạt lở bờ sông hệ thống sông miền Trung

Title: Báo cáo tóm tắt Dự án: Nghiên cứu dự báo, phòng chống sạt lở bờ sông hệ thống sông miền Trung
Keywords: Dự báo;Phòng chống sạt lở;Sông;Miền Trung
Issue Date: 2001
Publisher: H. : ĐHQGHN
Description: 44 tr.

Nghiên cứu diễn biến sạt lở bờ sông Lam đoạn làng Đỏ - Xuân Phổ - Xuân Hội. Dự báo xu thế và kiến nghị giải pháp phòng chống sạt lở

Title: Nghiên cứu diễn biến sạt lở bờ sông Lam đoạn làng Đỏ - Xuân Phổ - Xuân Hội. Dự báo xu thế và kiến nghị giải pháp phòng chống sạt lở
Authors: Nguyễn, Văn Tuấn
Trần, Xuân Thái
Keywords: Sạt lở;Phòng chống sạt lở;Sông Lam;Xuân Hội
Issue Date: 2
Publisher: H. : ĐHQGHN
Description: 58 tr.

Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 1, 2018

Control Engineering Problems with Solutions

Title: Control Engineering Problems with Solutions
Authors: Derek P., Atherton
Keywords: Control engineering;Kĩ thuật điều khiển
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: The book contains problems with worked solutions, called examples, and some additional problems for which the answers only are given, which cover the two Bookboon textbooks Control Engineering : An introduction with the use of Matlab and An Introduction to Nonlinearity in Control Systems. Although both books contain several worked examples it was felt that a reader would obtain further benefit from having additional ones to read and others to solve on their own. In both books a major emphasis was to show how the use of Matlab together with Simulink could avoid the tedium of doing some calculations, however, there are situations where this may not be possible, such as some student examinations. Thus in this book as well as working out in many cases the examples ‘long hand’, the solutions obtained using Matlab/Simulink are also given.
Description: 200 p.

Fundamental Engineering Optimization Methods

Title: Fundamental Engineering Optimization Methods
Authors: Kamran, Iqbal
Keywords: Optimization methods;Phương pháp tối ưu hóa
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: This book is addressed to students in the fields of engineering and technology as well as practicing engineers. It covers the fundamentals of commonly used optimization methods in engineering design. These include graphical optimization, linear and nonlinear programming, numerical optimization, and discrete optimization. Engineering examples have been used to build an understanding of how these methods can be applied. The material is presented roughly at senior undergraduate level. Readers are expected to have familiarity with linear algebra and multivariable calculus.
Description: 162 p.

Control Engineering: An introduction with the use of Matlab

Title: Control Engineering: An introduction with the use of Matlab
Authors: Derek P., Atherton
Keywords: Control engineering;Kĩ thuật điều khiển
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: The book covers the basic aspects of linear single loop feedback control theory. Explanations of the mathematical concepts used in classical control such as root loci, frequency response and stability methods are explained by making use of MATLAB plots but omitting the detailed mathematics found in many textbooks. There is a chapter on PID control and two chapters provide brief coverage of state variable methods. The approach adopted allows more time to be devoted to controller design by different methods, to compare the results and also to examine the effects of plant parameter variations.
Description: 150 p.

Electrical Power

Title: Electrical Power
Authors: W. J. R. H. Pooler
Keywords: Electrical power;Năng lượng điện
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: The book defines the units of electrical quantities from first principles. Methods are demonstrated for calculating voltage, current, power, impedances and magnetic forces in dc and ac circuits and in machines and other electrical plant. The vector representation of ac quantities is explained. Typical arrangements of electrical power networks are described. Methods for calculating fault currents and for the automatic isolation of faulty equipment are described.
Description: 219 p.

Creating your CV as a self marketing tool

Title: Creating your CV as a self marketing tool
Authors: Paul H, Brisk
Keywords: Job -- Handbooks, manuals, etc;Nghề nghiệp -- Sổ tay, cẩm nang, vv...
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: This book goes through a structured approach of how to tackle each key stage in order to bring your CV together, by carrying out a number of self analysis exercises.